-Terms and Conditions Products-



  1. Pre-amble 2
  2. Membership Definitions 2
  3. Eligibility 3
  4. Expiration Date 4
  5. Limits of Liability 4
  6. Exclusions 4
  7. Communication 4
  8. POPIA 4


  1. Emergency Medical Response and Transportation 5
  2. Medical Advisory services and Trauma Counselling 6
  3. Herminix eCoupons Shoprite Checkers 6
  4. Legal Advice 6
  5. 3rd Party Accident Claims 7
  6. Garnishee Order Investigations 7
  7. Bad Credit listing Investigation and Clearing Services at Discounted rates 7
  8. Technicon Discounts 7
  9. Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Cell-based Treatment Discounts 8
  10. Motor & Household Insurance 8
  11. Consumer Protection 8
  12. Complaints 8
  13. Herminix myWorld Cash Back 8

Exodec Group Guard Risk Embedded Insured Funeral Benefits Section   15


1.         Pre-amble

  • This document defines the Terms and Conditions upon which the Membership, benefits and services, are delivered to members and defines the Mart Wallet Membership. The information in this agreement includes all benefits, services available to members. Members only enjoy benefits chosen as defined on the Benefit Overview.
  • The parties to the Smart Wallet Association Membership are:
  • You (the Member) as on the application for membership and further referred to as the “Member”; and
  • Smart Wallet Association and Herminix (Pty) Ltd registration number 2012/191099/07, who is the appointed Administrator and further referred to as the “Company”, with place of business at 12 Natalie Avenue, Murrayfield, Pretoria, 012 111 0296 / 012 803 6533.
  • Your Broker House (Pty) Ltd, FSP 46444 is our registered Financial Services Supplier for all our insurance related benefits. Contact Your Broker House (Pty) Ltd for any advice on any insurance related business. Herminix (Pty) Ltd and the Association don’t offer or give any Advice on any Insurance related products.
  • Please take note that some of the benefits are supplied through our-source 3rd party Service Suppliers and each Service Supplier has its own Terms and Conditions and Regulations.

2.              Membership Definitions

  • “Benefits” means the benefits and or services as further specifically described in this agreement and as specified on the Benefit Overview. Consumer Legal and the Administrator have the right to change or add or remove any benefit, without notice.
  • “Client(s)” means the client also referred to as member, who applied for membership and certain rewards benefits as defined in this agreement and who was accepted as a member.
  • “Contributions” means the pre-paid monthly membership fee payment that is due by a Member in advance.
  • “Coverage” means the benefits attached defined in this document and specified on the application and Benefit Overview and for which a paid-up Member and his or her Dependant(s) are eligible, if dependants were chosen to be included and registered.
  • “Paid-up” means the member has paid in advance (pre-paid) for the membership and rewards services benefits each month and no payment has been rejected or returned. In the event that a member has enjoy benefits which was paid-up at the stage of utilisation and later on the payment is rejected for any reason at all, the member will be legally responsible for the payment of such benefits or services and the Service Supplier will have the full right to take legal action, at client Attorney costs, to recover such payment. If the membership fee was not paid for a specific month, the Company have the right to double deduct the next month or to change the inception date.
  • “Deductible” means the membership fee amount, which must be paid by the Member, in advance.
  • “Smart Wallet Association” means the Smart Wallet Association shall constituted a distinct and separate legal entity as a non-profit Association, in accordance with the Association Constitution. Smart Wallet Association Objectives is its members and to assist members where possible, with offering negotiated products, benefits and services to uplift members and to improve members lives.

Association benefits may include compulsory embedded insured benefits under a direct group scheme agreement, on behalf of members. Smart Wallet Association is an open Association to all groups of lives and ages. Smart Wallet Association has outsourced the management and administration to Herminix (Pty) Ltd a registered company under the Laws of South Africa.

  • “Member” means a person who has been accepted and who have received this acceptance letter and terms and conditions of a Membership and who has paid the membership fee in advance, every month, for the membership level, rewards, benefits and services chosen and as defined on the Benefit Overview and welcome documentation.
  • “Membership” means a person who has applied for a certain association membership level and who have accepted the terms and conditions and who accepted the Smart Wallet Association Constitution and who was accepted as a member.
  • “Starting Date” means the date when membership start, also refer to as inception date. Membership work in calendar months and membership fees are paid in advance. Membership will only start the first of the next calendar month if the first payment was received after the 16th of a month. Special Note: The membership starting date will be depended on when the first membership fee is paid, and it may differ from the date of the application.

3.              Eligibility

Persons over the age of 18 years of age who have applied for membership of the Membership level and who have paid the prescribed membership fee as outlined in the membership application, and who have completed the membership application, either on paper, on line, per call centre voice recording in complete detail, or where the member signed on line, are eligible. Notwithstanding, the afore-mentioned, the Company retains the right to investigate and to verify that the eligibility requirements have been met and the Company may, at its sole discretion, refuse an application or terminate the coverage and or membership of a Member and his or her Dependents who are not eligible for benefits. If, upon evaluating a membership application, the Company discovers that the eligibility requirements have not been met, its only obligation shall be, to refund the afore-mentioned membership fees, after costs already incurred by the Company and its Services Suppliers have been deducted.


4.              Effective Date

    • The “Effective Date” is the date on which the Company approved and accept a person’s application for membership. Membership works on full calendar months. Where first membership payment was received after the 16th of any month, membership will start only on the first of the next month.
    • In the event where a membership fee, for a specific month was not paid or deducted, then the Company will have the right to, without notice, change the inception or start date or may request a double deduction the following month or Suspend Membership until membership fees are paid up to date or may terminated the Membership. The onus is on the Member to make sure that Membership fees are paid monthly as Members will have no benefits while Suspended.

5.              Expiration Date

  • The membership period shall terminate on the earliest of the following dates:
    • In the event where a member’s membership fee is not paid, the last day of the month for which the last prescribed membership fee was received; or
    • In the event when two month’s membership fees were not paid, the membership will be terminated without any further notice.
    • The date on which a member’s membership is terminated for cause by the Company; or
    • For dependent children, (if added), the date on which the dependent child reaches the age of 21 years of age, upon which date the dependent child will automatically become an extended adult member and the membership fee will automatically increase with the membership fee as an extended adult member, if not specifically cancelled by the Main Member, one calendar month before the child’s birthdate; or
    • The date on which the member has informed the Company that the Member has cancelled its Membership, by giving one calendar month written notice.

6.              Limits of Liability

  • Any claim for any pre-paid and or discount benefit, service, benefits or reward that is not submitted to the Company or the service supplier within 90 days after the benefit became, due shall be denied.
  • No benefits, other than a benefit due to a Member under the programme, shall be construed or deemed to be a benefit to which a Member or his or her dependent(s) are entitled, if dependents were added.
  • Membership fees received will be regarded as a membership contribution for a full calendar month.

7.              Exclusions

  • Any exclusions imposed by service suppliers, as per the specific rules and terms of each benefit as specified in the service supplier’s documentation, which is included in this agreement.
  • In any event were fraud or misrepresentation was involved by the member or any dependants.

8.              Communication

  • The Company’s choice of communication is all accepted electronic communication which includes, but not limited thereto, SMS, MMS, USSD and E-mail.
  • It is the member’s responsibility to inform the Administrator, if any communication must be in a hard copy through normal postal services.
  • By applying for the Membership, the member authorised the Company to communicate to the member in any way acceptable other benefits and offers for the possible benefit of the member. The member must inform the Company if the Member don’t want to be informed of new and other benefits.
  • All communication, personal data and information will be kept Confidential.

9.              POPIA

  • As Association and Company, we support the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), Act 4 of 2013.
  • Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We will take the necessary measures to ensure that any and all information, provided by you for the purpose of this application, is processed in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 and further, is stored in a safe and secure manner.
  • You hereby agree to give honest, accurate and up-to-date Personal Information in order to continue supporting you in accordance to the Association Constitution.
  • You accept that your Personal Information collected by Us may be used for the following reasons:
    • to establish and verify your identity in terms of the Applicable Laws;
  • Unless consented to by yourself, we will not sell, exchange, transfer, rent or otherwise make available your Personal Information (such as your name, address, email address, telephone or fax number) to any other parties and you indemnify Us from any claims resulting from disclosures made with your consent.
  • You understand that if the Administrator/Insurer has utilised your Personal Information contrary to the Applicable Laws, you have the right to lodge a complaint, with the Company or with the Information Regulator.


Smart Wallet Association Membership program includes a basket of rewards, discounts, services and benefits which includes, among other, the following specific benefits:

10.           Emergency Medical Response and Transportation

    • Emergency Medical Response, Stabilisation and Transportation in South Africa.
    • Medical Advisory Services and Trauma Counselling.
    • Minimum annual 10% operational cost increase, subject to utilisation.
    • HFC (Health Finance Corporation) reserve the right to review the subscription fee should the confirmed utilization require such by providing the client with 1 calendar months’ notice. Should the re-negotiation fail, either Party will have the option to terminate the agreement with 30 days’ notice.
    • Contact Number: 010 109 0429 24h00 per day 365 days per year

All Members should read and understand the terms and conditions applicable to the provision of the benefits and services and pay special attention to all the terms printed in bold. The full text of the terms and conditions are available at HFC offices.

Please contact or call HFC on 0861 194 637 Office hours if anything is not clear.

If the HFC Contact Centre is NOT contacted in the 1st instance, any costs for HFC services incurred will be for the Member’s own account.

    • Emergency Medical Response, Stabilisation and Transportation

In the event of a medical emergency, as contemplated in this Agreement, HFC shall procure that –

the ER24 contact centre or any other suitable service provider engaged by written agreement between the parties, will immediately dispatch an appropriate road or air ambulance which is staffed by their appropriately qualified emergency medical care practitioners. Once at the scene of the incident, lifesaving support will be provided to the patient and where relevant, the patient will be stabilised before transfer is provided to the closest most appropriate medical facility / as per client customised requirements;

a team of medical professionals will prioritise a transfer of the patient based on medical conditions, the degree of urgency, the patient’s state and fitness to travel. Other considerations include but are not limited to airport availability, weather conditions and distance to be covered as assessed by the attending doctor. The emergency medical centre contact centre and operational team will determine whether transport will be provided by medically equipped helicopter, regular scheduled flight or road.

11.               Medical Advisory services and Trauma Counselling

The following services are available to the registered members and children and supplied by Health Finance Corporation. The territory covered includes South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. Our doctors and medical team will be available 24hrs. All calls received are managed by an expert nurse or paramedic.

Medical advisory services for the registered members Member and children 24hr telephonic medical advice – Members can call at any time for advice or information regarding general medical and health issues.:

  • Emergency First Aid advice
  • Symptom assessment and referral
  • Information about chronic conditions, prescribed medication and drug database
  • Health counselling
  • Stress Management
  • Medical travel information
  • Substance abuse and poison information
  • Generic medical advice

Trauma Counselling for registered members Member and children.

  • A 24-Hour Trauma Counselling line is available in the event of any traumatic event such as hijacking, burglary, motor accident, the loss of a loved one, school bullying, suicide, diagnosis of a chronic or life-threatening medical condition, etc.
  • An uninterrupted, confidential and professional telephonic counselling facility is available to customers every day of the year. Should the counsellor determine a need for additional face-to-face counselling, the member will be directed to an appropriate trauma counselling centre.

11.           Herminix eCoupons Shoprite Checkers

Save up to R750 on your monthly grocery’s by using our Herminix grocery discount coupons on a range of groceries which are redeemable at selected Shoprite, Checkers and Checkers Hyper stores. You just need to go on our website and go to the rewards button. Register with your mobile number and claim your eCoupons.


Show the eCoupons to the cashier and claim your discount on every product. If you are also a Shoprite/Checkers Xtra Savings Loyalty member and a product eCoupon are offered on the Shoprite/Checker loyalty program, you will be able to claim both the savings.

Special Note: The eCoupons is not one eCoupon but is eCoupons on a range of specific grocery items which may be changed every month.

This benefit is supplied through Herminix (Pty) Ltd in collaboration with SA Coupons. Should a member run into a problem redeeming coupons in-store or have any query whatsoever please sms ‘hmx’ to 30172. or Email assistance info@berelo.com  or email geoffa@mochilagroup.com

12.           Legal Advice

Members can access legal assistance through office hours 010 1100 474 for advice and assistance with matters concerning general South African law such as civil, criminal, labour, conveyancing, tax, financial advice and family law. This includes incidents regarding divorce and maintenance, debt collecting, advice on disputes with employers, property transfers and deceased estates for example.

    • Consumer Legal Team of Lawyers will provide telephonic advice on all matters relating to:
      • All Criminal Matters
      • All Civil Matters
      • All Labour Matters
    • This service is available in office hours Monday to Friday.
    • Send out standard legal documents, for example templates relating to the Small Claims Court (including guidelines as to whether a matter falls within the jurisdiction of the Small Claims Court), domestic workers’ agreements or documents on maintenance claims, wills and testaments and many more.
    • Any advice leading to action will be an agreement between the members and the Lawyer at discounted rates.

15.   3rd Party Accident Claims

    • Consumer Legal together with its panel of Lawyers will investigate any 3rd party claim, accident claims, Road Accident Fund and related claims free of charge.
    • If found that the member has a legitimate claim will the Panel of Lawyers represent the member on a no cost no win basis.
    • The case will be a separate agreement between the member and the Lawyer at discounted costs.

16.   Garnishee Order Investigations

    • Consumer Legal Team will investigate any current and up to 3 years old Paid-Up Garnishee Order Free of Charge. Members need to submit all relevant documentation to qualify for the free advice.
    • If founded that the Garnishee Order is illegal acquired or Issued or over inflated will Consumer Legal offer the member different options at discounted rates, to stop and clear up the Garnishee Order and where possible to retrieve any or all money deducted by the specific Garnishee Order.
    • The following documentation must be submitted to admin@clpa.co.za :
      • Payslip showing the Order deducting.
      • Copy of the Order
      • Copy of ID
      • Any other documents or communication with the creditor.
    • The case will be a separate agreement between the member and the Lawyer at discounted costs.

18.    Bad Credit listing Investigation and Clearing Services at Discounted rates

  • Consumer Legal will investigate all bad credit listing and will assist the members, at discounted rates, to clear their names from all Credit Listing Companies.
  • We have found that many loan and credit agreements was approved without following all legal procedures and ash such is these accounts totally illegal. We have also found that many credit agreements overcharge clients.
  • Consumer Legal will investigate all credit and or loan agreements at discounted rates and will assist clients to rectify any overcharging and or to cancel any illegal contracts.
  • For procedural errors on credit agreements, the following documentation must be submitted to admin@clpa.co.za :
    • Original Agreements / copy
    • Breakdown statement from inception.
    • Copy of ID
  • The case will be a separate agreement between the member and the Lawyer at discounted costs.

17.           Technicon Discounts

Members and their families qualify for a discretionary up to 10% discount for study courses done through Collages in South Africa. CTU Training Solutions over more than 980 study courses to our members, online and through their Campuses in South Africa.

For more information on CTU please look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amtfgrcaZ2s

Members can contact CTU directy: Elriette Terblance, 012 631 6688, mobile 081 455 9476, elrietteT@ctutraining.co.za or Tertius van Wyngaardt,  tertiusvw@ctutraining.co.za

Or Members can send an email to study@hmx.co.za or call our offices for more information.

18.           Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Cell-based Treatment Discounts

    • Members qualify for a discretionary 10% discount for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell, Cell-based Treatment through the Stem Med Doctors Network.
    • Various illnesses and injuries can be cured with Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell, Cell-based Treatment such as Diabetic 1 and accident-related injuries.
    • Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell, Cell-based Treatment cure the illness or injury which is different from modern medicine which only treat the symptoms. In many cases an injury can be cured without an operation.
    • The Stem Med Doctors Network will send all registered members communication on the illnesses and injuries which can be cured with Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell, Cell-based Treatment.
    • Call our offices during office hours on 012 111 0296 for more information.

19.      Motor & Household Insurance

    • Members qualify for special rates on their personal and business motor & Household Short-Term Insurance.
    • To qualify for the benefit, must members send their current policy schedules to admin@hmx.co.za or can call Your Broker House (Pty) Ltd, FSP 46444 on 012 111 0296 / 012 803 6533 for assistance or members can use the following https://mifuel.co.za/mifuel/insurance_application/index.php?orgid=9002&agentid=58849
    • Members can save up to 40% on their current premiums.
    • Members with no Brokers servicing them, can appoint Your Broker House (Pty) Ltd our Financial Service Supplier as their Broker. Just send an email to admin@hmx.co.za or WhatsApp us and Your Broker House will call you back.

20.           Consumer Protection

It is hereby noted that this agreement falls under the Consumer Protection Act of South Africa. In the event of any dispute and where such possible dispute cannot be solved between the company and the Client, the client has the right to turn to the Consumer Ombudsman to solve the situation.

Consumer Ombudsman contact details: National Consumer Commission (NCC)

Contact Details:   Share Call: 0860 26 67 86, Fax: 0861 51 52 59, e-mail: ncc@thedti.gov.za ,   

Website: www.nccsa.org.za  

21.           Complaints

The company has a complaint procedure in place. In the event of any complains, contact the Herminix Customer Solutions (Pty) Ltd directly in writing stating clearly the complaint before contacting the Consumer Ombud. Herminix Customer Service department will investigate the complaint and will communicate back to the Member within 5 working days. In the event that the complaint is against a service supplier, might there be a delay and may take the investigation up to 30 days.

Send any complaint in writing to: Postal Address: 12 Natalie Avenue, Murrayfield, Pretoria, 0184. Email Address: complaints@hmx.co.za    Telephone number: 012 111 0296 / 012 803 6533

25.      Herminix myWorld Cash Back

Herminix as a contracted myWorld Merchant is authorised to offer the myWorld cash back benefits to all members. The member’s agreement will be directly with myWorld, according to their own Terms and Conditions but will always fall under Herminix as Merchant.

The member has the right to use or not to use the myWorld Benefits and any cancellation of the members myWorld membership, will have no influence on the membership with Herminix and vice versa.

The following is the myWorld General Terms and Conditions.

General Business Terms and Conditions for Herminix myWorld Members Version: January 2021

1. Preamble

  1. myWorld International Limited, a company registered at 40 Bank Street, London E14 5NR, United Kingdom, operates worldwide a Benefit Program (“Benefit Program”) which enables participating customers (“Members”) to receive benefits (“Benefits”) by purchasing goods, services, travels, etc. (“Purchases”) at myWorld online-platform, online Loyalty Merchants and local Loyalty Merchants (together “myWorld and Loyalty Merchants”). myWorld International Limited uses in the countries its respective subsidiary company or appropriate cooperation partners for processing and conducting the Benefit Program.
  2. In South Africa, Members are registered with myWorld South Africa (Pty) Ltd, a company registered at First Floor, Building 29, The Woodlands Office Park, 20 Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, Johannesburg, 2191 Gauteng, South Africa with Company Registration Number 2017/398804/07 (“myWorld”) enabling them to purchase goods, services, travels, etc. from myWorld and Loyalty Merchants, and, thereby, to generate Benefits in the Benefit Program.
  3. Any term or condition that appears in the General Business Terms and Conditions can be found at the end of the General Business Terms and Conditions in Appendix 1. The terms in in these General Business Terms and Conditions are binding.
  4. Object of the Contract

In accordance with the General Business Terms and Conditions, a Member is entitled to participate in the Benefit Program and to receive the associated Benefits. Members can purchase at myWorld and Loyalty Merchants. Registration and participation in the Benefit Program is free of charge for the Member.

  1. Basis for the agreement

2.1       Upon acceptance of the applicant’s registration application by myWorld, the applicant shall become a Member of myWorld and will receive a personal, non-transferrable Membership ID (herein referred to as “Member ID”). This entitles the Member to participate in the Benefit Program.

2.2       The Member declares that his/her statements to myWorld are correct and indemnifies and holds myWorld harmless in the event of culpable, untruthful statements. The Member undertakes to inform myWorld immediately of any changes to his/her personal data (in particular the residential address, e-mail address, bank details, telephone number, etc.) provided during registration.

2.3       Only one registration (i.e. one Member ID) is allowed at a time for each natural person or legal entity. The residential or business address (registered office) of the Member must be stated in the registration. Multiple registrations made to obtain unjustified Benefits shall be considered as a material breach of the contractual relationship and entitle myWorld to terminate the contractual relationship for good cause and to withdraw the Benefits obtained in this manner. In the event of multiple registrations, the Member ID last registered shall be deleted.

Any Benefits obtained solely by means of multiple registrations shall be forfeited.

  1. Benefit Program

3.1       By making a Purchase from myWorld and a Loyalty Merchant, a Member acquires Benefits in accordance with the General Business Terms and Conditions. The Benefits and their respective conditions are described in more detail in Clause 5.

3.2       To be able to grant Benefits to Members for their Purchases, myWorld enters into contracts with Loyalty Merchants. Current Loyalty Merchants and the associated Benefits are listed online at www.myworld.com.

3.3       The Member has the following options for recording his Purchases: the myWorld Card, the myWorld app or in the Logged-in Member Area on the myWorld website.

3.4       The Loyalty Merchant sends all Purchase and / or billing data to myWorld for the calculation of the resulting Benefits.

  1. Online Shopping

4.1       The Member can log in at www.myworld.com or via the myWorld app using his access data and select the desired online shop at myWorld or a Loyalty Merchant or make the Purchase directly from the online shop. The Purchase at the online Loyalty Merchant can only be recorded the Member’s system allows cookies during the Purchase process and does not use ad blockers or script blockers. Members can find out more about Purchases from online Loyalty Merchants in the FAQs at www.myworld.com.

4.2       Members are entitled to cancel online Purchases or withdraw from the consumer contract without reason within 14 days. According to Clause 5.3, in order for Benefits from purchases made by means of online shopping to be credited, especially the cancellation period must have elapsed, and the Member must not have cancelled the purchase.

4.3       A Member is only entitled to Benefits for those Purchases in the online shops of Loyalty Merchants who are listed according to www.myworld.com for the country where the Member’s home, delivery or business address is located (according to registration).

4.4       myWorld has no influence over the design of the (linked) online shops of Loyalty Merchants and is not responsible for these websites in any way. myWorld expressly distances itself from any content on these websites that may be illegal or contrary to common decency.

  1. Benefits

5.1       The respective Benefits granted are listed at www.myworld.com. A Member is advised to check the myWorld website on a regular basis for the status of the conditions for the respective Loyalty Merchant. myWorld reserves the right to change the Benefits granted for individual Loyalty Merchants at any time. The conditions that applied at the time that the Member paid the Purchase in full shall be used to calculate the Benefits due to the Member.

5.2       myWorld reserves the right to deviate from the principles set out here in the context of special promotions. myWorld is interested in offering its Members the greatest possible selection of shopping opportunities at Loyalty Merchants and agreeing substantial discounts with the Loyalty Merchants in order to offer substantial Benefits to the Members. If differing conditions are agreed to with a Loyalty Merchant in the form of special promotions (as may be the case with atypical Purchases such as mobile phone contracts or travel arrangements), myWorld will refer to this separately at www.myworld.com.

5.3       In order for Benefits to be credited, the Purchase must be fully paid by the Member and there are no longer any legal rights to cancel the Purchase without giving reasons, i.e. in particular, any existing withdrawal period must have expired. If these requirements are met, the Loyalty Merchant will confirm and report the Purchase to myWorld. Benefits from Purchases made that have been reported to myWorld by 11:00 p.m. Sunday by the Loyalty Merchant will be credited to the Member (Benefits). myWorld obligates the Loyalty Merchants to report no later than within three months from the date on which the requirements according to this Clause are satisfied. The credit of the Benefits to the Member shall be possible only after the Loyalty Merchant has reported it to myWorld.

5.4       If the Member makes Purchases from Loyalty Merchants abroad (locally or online), the Cashback might first be shown in the pay-out account in the respective foreign currency. Upon confirmation of the Purchase by the Loyalty Merchant, the amount in the Logged-in Member Area of the respective Member will be converted automatically to the country currency of the Member according to the respective exchange rate of the South African Reserve Bank or other relevant bank for the date the payment is received by the Loyalty Merchant. Clause 4.3 shall remain unchanged, i.e. Benefits shall be granted only for Purchases abroad (for example online Loyalty Merchants) that are listed in the myWorld website for the respective Member.

5.5       The Benefits are based on the conditions agreed in the contract between myWorld and the respective Loyalty Merchant and they can therefore vary. Benefits can consist of Cashback, Shopping Points or other promotions.

5.5.1    Cashback: The Member can receive Cashback for Purchases booked in the Benefit Program, whereby the respective percentage per product or per Loyalty Merchant is shown on www.myworld.com. Individual Purchases can be excluded from the granting of Cashback. The Cashback represents a discount on your own Purchase and is granted in the form of a purchase credit for further use within the myWorld group.

5.5.2    Shopping Points: The Member can receive Shopping Points for Purchases booked in the Benefit Program, whereby the respective number per product or per Purchase at the Loyalty Merchant is shown on www.myworld.com and can be tracked by the Member in the Logged-in Member Area. Individual Purchases can be excluded from the granting of Shopping Points. The number of Shopping Points that are credited depends on the Purchase amount as well as the conditions associated with the respective Loyalty Merchant. As a basis for the calculation, myWorld shows the number of Shopping Points that the respective Loyalty Merchant awards for a purchase price of R1500.00 at www.myworld.com. The specified number of Shopping Points can be redeemed by the Member in the myWorld Benefit Lounge. Shopping Points have no fixed nominal value. Shopping Points cannot be paid out in cash or transferred to another person for a fee. Shopping Points, which are collected from 1.1. until 30.06., can be used until 31.12. in the same year, otherwise they will expire. Shopping Points, which are collected from 01.07. until 31.12., can be used until 30.06. of the following year, otherwise they will expire.

  1. Personal Member Area

6.1       myWorld will provide each Member with his own Personal Member Area at ww.myworld.com free of charge where Purchases that have been made and information about Benefits from the Benefit Program can be viewed at any time after a username and password are entered. For any unavailability of the myWorld websites and the login area at www.myworld.com, myWorld is only liable in accordance with Clause 10.

6.2       The Member must retain securely and confidentially his access data for his Personal Member Area (username, password and PIN). Third parties must not be given access to this information. A Member is able to amend his personal settings at any time at www.myworld.com (log-in area).

6.3       The Member undertakes to notify myWorld immediately of any misuse of his online access. Following the immediate blocking of his access, the Member will in turn receive changed login details via SMS, e-mail, or by post. myWorld shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Member as a result of improper use except as specified in Clause 10.

  1. Change or assignment of a Recommender Members can change an existing Recommender at any time or have one assigned to them by nominating another Member as Recommender. The newly nominated Recommender must give his consent to this change or assignment.
  2. Data protection

8.1       To the extent that it is required to conduct the Benefit Program, i.e. to calculate the Benefits, myWorld, being responsible for data protection, collects, stores, and processes personal data such as data on the purchasing behaviour and purchases of the Members. If the Member gives his/her consent, myWorld also uses the Members’ data to send them personalized information about offers and products of myWorld and its Loyalty Merchants.

8.2       All enquiries by the Member regarding information, changes, and deletion of personal data can be addressed directly to myWorld South Africa (Pty) Ltd at First Floor, Building 29, The Woodlands Office Park, 20 Woodlands Drive, Wood-mead, Johannesburg, 2191, Gauteng, South Africa.

8.3       Further data protection regulations relevant to the use of the myWorld website can be found in the data protection declaration at www.myworld.com.

8.4       myWorld uses internationally recognised security technologies to protect Members’ data against unauthorised access. myWorld shall not be liable for security of the data transmitted via the Internet except as specified in Clause 10.

  1. Disruption to Service

9.1       The scope of services of myWorld is limited to the implementation of the Benefit Program as described in these General Terms and Conditions.

9.2       The rights and obligations with respect to purchases made by the Member from Loyalty Merchants are solely those of the respective Loyalty Merchants. myWorld solely acts as an intermediary, whereas the contracts to purchase goods and services are only concluded between the Members and the Loyalty Merchants. Thus, after executing a contract with the Loyalty Merchant, myWorld does not assume any warranty or liability for performance obligations of the Loyalty Merchants, especially in the event of any non-performance or inadequate performance by the Loyalty Merchant.

  1. Liability

10.1     myWorld shall be liable without limitation for damages resulting from injury to life, limb, or health that are due to a deliberate or negligent breach of duty by myWorld. myWorld shall only be liable without limitation for other damages that are due to a deliberate or grossly negligent breach of duty by myWorld.

10.2     For damages due to simple negligent breach of duties that are fundamental for the reasonable and proper execution of the contract and that the Member accordingly trusts to be fulfilled (cardinal obligations), the liability of myWorld shall be limited to typical and foreseeable damage.

10.3     Other claims for damages shall be excluded, subject to the following Clause 10.5. This shall apply especially if myWorld is not at fault, for example,

  1. a) in the event of interruptions to the availability of the Member’s access to the Internet,
  2. b) other technical and electronic errors (i) during data communication via the Internet and (ii) when using the myWorld Internet portal, myWorld SMS service, and myWorld applications for mobile devices, provided these errors are not attributable to myWorld,
  3. c) technical and electronic errors not attributable to myWorld that prevent the recording of purchases made in the Benefit Program (in particular, any tracking failures and resulting data losses)
  4. d) the unavailability of mobile networks or terminals and
  5. e) the failure of mobile devices of the Member to function properly.

10.4     Insofar as the liability for myWorld is limited or excluded, the limitations or exclusions shall also apply to the personal liability of the employees, legal representatives, and vicarious agents of myWorld.

10.5     The limitations and exclusions of liability as specified in this Clause of this document shall not affect the liability of myWorld according to the mandatory statutory provisions of the South African Consumer Protection Act.

  1. Term and termination of the contractual relationship by the Member

11.1     This contractual relationship is entered into for an indefinite period of time. The Member shall have the right to terminate the contractual relationship with myWorld at any time by means of a written statement to myWorld effective when myWorld has received the statement.

Furthermore, the Member shall not be required to make purchases or perform any other activities as part of the current contractual relationship.

11.2     Upon termination of the contract, the Member shall be entitled only to those benefits from the Benefit Program for which a basis had already been established at the time the contract was terminated, i.e. if the purchase qualifying for Cashback had already been made at the time the contract was terminated. Any Shopping Points accumulated up to this point shall basically expire with the termination of the contractual relationship. However, if the Member terminates the contract for good cause, he/she may redeem the Shopping Points acquired within a period of eight weeks after termination of the contract as described in Clause 5.

  1. Termination of the contractual relationship by myWorld

12.1     The contractual relationship may be terminated by myWorld with a notice period of 30 days without cause, or with immediate effect with cause. Reasons for cause include especially, but are not limited to, the breach of essential contractual obligations by the Member, in addition to substantial damage to the economic interests or reputation of myWorld or of the respective Loyalty Merchant by the Member.  he essential contractual obligations of the Member include the obligations according to clause 2.2 and 2.3.

12.2     The Member shall indemnify and hold myWorld harmless in the event of culpable violation of his/her obligations under this agreement. The same shall also apply to the costs of a defence against such claims by third parties. Furthermore, myWorld shall have the right to assert a claim against the Member for damage incurred by myWorld as a result of the breaches of obligation by the Member, including legal costs.

12.3     Upon termination of the contract, the Member shall be entitled only to those cash benefits from the Benefit Program for which a basis had already been established at the time the contract was terminated, i.e. if the purchase qualifying for Cashback had already been made at the time the contract was terminated.

12.4     If myWorld terminates the contractual relationship without notice for an important reason not culpably caused by the Member, the Member shall be able redeem his/her Shopping Points acquired up to that time within a period of 8 weeks after termination of the contract according to clause 5. Otherwise, the Shopping Points acquired shall expire upon termination of the contract.

  1. General Conditions

13.1     The Member may not assign his/her claims against myWorld (and all the rights resulting from his/her participation in the Benefit Program) or use them as security without prior written consent.

13.2     Participation in the Benefit Program represents a mere exchange relationship and therefore does not constitute a legal corporate association between the Member and myWorld, in particular, there is no membership in an association.

13.3     In individual cases, individual agreements shall take precedence over these General Terms and Conditions. The contents of such agreements shall be governed by a written contract or written confirmation by myWorld. It is presumed that the parties have not made any verbal agreements. Moreover, myWorld shall be entitled to send contract declarations and information required for the execution of the contract via SMS or e-mail to the Member, provided that the Member has specified the corresponding contact data and does not object to the same.

13.4     Changes to these General Terms and Conditions and other contractual agreements between the Member and myWorld communicated in text form to the Member shall be deemed to be accepted by the Member if the Member does not object to their applicability within 30 days of receipt of the written notification of change. At the beginning of this time period, myWorld shall especially point out to the Member that his/her consent to the communicated changes to the General Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to be given if he/she does not object in text form to their applicability within the time period established. The changes to the General Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to be accepted by the Member only if this notice has actually been given.

13.5     Insofar as gender-specific designations are used in the contents of the agreement, they refer to both female and male persons as well as to legal persons.

13.6     Should any provisions of the basis for this agreement be or become totally or partially invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

13.7     This agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of South Africa. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply.

13.8     Registration acceptance of this agreement and participation in the Benefit Program is permitted from the age of 18 (eighteen) years.

13.9     The Member undertakes to bear all duties, fees, taxes, etc. incurred by the Member receiving the Benefits himself/herself.

13.10   If myWorld does not or does not fully exercise any legal rights in response to a particular breach of any term or condition of this agreement, this action shall not be deemed as a waiver of any such rights or deprive myWorld from any right to fully enforce this agreement.


Definition of Terms
are all-natural persons or legal entities who have entered into a contract with myWorld for concluding a membership in accordance with the General Business Terms and Conditions and remains as such until the contract has been terminated.
are purchases of goods, services, travels, etc. at myWorld and Loyalty Merchants.
Loyalty Merchants
are companies that have a contractual relationship with myWorld and from whom Members can receive Benefits in the Benefit Program by purchasing goods, services, travels, etc.
are all benefits the Member receives or is eligible to receive by making a Purchase in the Benefit Program. Benefits in this context can be Cashback, Shopping Points and other promotions.
Benefit Program
is the program operated by myWorld that enables Members to receive Benefits by purchasing of goods, services, travels, etc. at myWorld and Loyalty Merchants.
myWorld Card
is available as a plastic card or as a virtual card (online). It is not a means of payment, but only serves to record the purchase data.
Member ID
is a unique number allocated by myWorld that serves to identify the Member and to record the Purchases at myWorld and Loyalty Merchants.
is the Benefit described in more detail in Clause 5.
Shopping Points
is the Benefit described in more detail in Clause 5.
Logged-in Member Area
or “Personal Member Area” is the login area of the respective Member described in more detail under Clause 6 on the myWorld websites (www.myworld.com).
is a Member (Loyalty Merchant, cooperation partner, etc.) who has recommended another Member or who is noted by myWorld as Recommender of the respective Member under one of the requirements of Clause 7

Exodec Group Guard Risk Embedded Insured Funeral Benefits Section

Smart Wallet Association and Herminix (Pty) Ltd has a signed agreement with Your Broker House as our registered Financial Service Supplier, FSP 46444 where the membership include funeral assist benefits.   

Members will receive as part of their Membership chosen funeral assist benefits as an embedded benefit under the Your Broker House Funeral Scheme.

By accepting the membership terms and conditions and the Herminix Association Constitution, the member confirms the following was accepted by the member on his own free will. The member has accepted that:

  1. Smart Wallet Association and Herminix (Pty) Ltd as the Association appointed membership Administrator are mandated and authorised to sign on behalf of all its members.
  2. The member has accepted the POPIA declaration of the Administrator.
  3. Accept the Terms and Conditions, limitations and waiting periods which may apply.
  4. Can afford the Herminix membership fees.
  5. Accept that all membership fees are payable in advance for full calendar months with the inceptions date always as the 1st of every month.

The Funeral Scheme are Administered by Exodec 229 (Pty) Ltd Registration number 2016/486897/07, FSP 43212 and underwritten by Guard Risk Life Limited, Registration number 1999/013922/06, FSP 76.

The embedded funeral assist benefits have its own terms and conditions. The Master Policy can be obtained from Exodec 229 (Pty) Ltd at info@exodecgroup.co.za

General Terms and Conditions: Funeral Plan

  1. POPIA
    1. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We will take the necessary measures to ensure that any and all information, provided by you for the purpose of this application, is processed in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 and further, is stored in a safe and secure manner. You hereby agree to give honest, accurate and up-to-date Personal Information in order to process and accept this application.
    2. You accept that your Personal Information collected by Us may be used for the following reasons:
      1. to establish and verify your identity in terms of the Applicable Laws;
      2. to enable Us to proceed to issue the Policy should we accept this application;
    3. Unless consented to by yourself, we will not sell, exchange, transfer, rent or otherwise make available your Personal Information (such as your name, address, email address, telephone or fax number) to any other parties and you indemnify Us from any claims resulting from disclosures made with your consent.
    4. You understand that if the Administrator/Insurer has utilised your Personal Information contrary to the Applicable Laws, you have the right to lodge a complaint, with Guardrisk or with the Information Regulator.
  2. Funeral Benefit Administrator:
    1. Exodec 229 (Pty) Ltd, FSP43212
    2. Email: info@exodecgroup.co.za
    3. Compliance: Leona Prinsloo – email: lprinsloo@mweb.co.za
  3. Insurer:

Funeral benefit is underwritten by Guardrisk Life Limited, a licensed life insurer and authorised financial service supplier, Registration number 1999/013922/06 and FSP 76.

  1. Intermediary:

The registered Intermediary are Your Broker House (Pty) Ltd, FSP 46444 with address 12 Natalie Avenue, Murrayfield, Pretoria, 0184. Contact number 012 803 6533. Email deon@ybhinsure.co.za

  1. Membership:
    1. The maximum entry age for a member is 65 years of age. Benefits will stay in force for as long as the members are paid monthly.
    2. If the Main Member ceases to be a member of the funeral scheme (dies, withdraws or retires) cover will cease immediately for the Main Member and all their Dependants. Should the Spouse elect to take over the policy of an existing Main Member due to the Main Member’s Death, this must be done within 30 days of the Death and application/nominations form and monthly membership schedule must be updated accordingly.
  2. over Options

Members cover amounts will be according to the membership option they have chosen and as specified on the benefit Certificate.

Type of Option

R5 000

Single Person 18 – 65

  1. Waiting Periods:
    A. There is 3 months waiting period for natural death from the commencement date for members with inception date before age of 65.
    B. There is 12 months waiting period for suicide from the commencement date for all members.
    C. There is no waiting period for accidental deaths under condition that the first month’s premium was paid.
  1. Increases
    1. The Underwriter reserves the right to increase the underwriting premium with one calendar month written notice.
    2. The underwriting premium will only be increased where the claims are more than 70% of the underwriting risk premium in total.
  1. Exclusions
    1. The Insurer will not pay any Funeral Benefit or any Extended Family Benefit if death was directly or indirectly caused, resulting from or in connection with any of the following:
      1. active participation in war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power;
      2. the deceased’s deliberate exposure to exceptional danger, except in an attempt by the deceased to save a human life.
    2. Suicide will be excluded for the first 12 months from the Commencement Date.
    3. The Insurer will have no liability for a Claim Event if Death for any Insured is directly or indirectly caused by or attributable to natural causes during any applicable waiting period, unless proof is supplied to the Insurer of previous cover for such Insured in the 31 (thirty-one) Day period prior to the Commencement Date of this Policy, and where such similar cover with the alternate insurer was replaced with this Policy and where the waiting period on such prior policy had already expired.
    4. Claims due to Accidental Death will not be subjected to a Waiting Period, on condition that the first premium is paid.
    5. When taking up a higher benefit the normal applicable Waiting Period for natural death will apply to the increased amount not the current benefit cover enjoyed.
    6. When taking over existing affiliation schemes Guardrisk Life Limited will require proof of membership for the Waiting Period for natural death to be waived, if not available the full Waiting Period for natural death will apply.
  1. Premiums
    1. Premiums must be paid for the month and the 12 months premium payment history must show that all payments were made monthly.
    2. 2 Premiums missed in a cycle of 12 months will result in the lapsing of the policy.

All Risk Premiums are payable monthly to the Insurer in the month in which the premium is received and for which it is due.

  1. Claim Requirements
    1. All Risk Premiums are payable monthly to the Insurer in the month in which the premium is received and for which it is due.
    2. Should Insurance in respect of a Main Member, his Spouse, his Child or Extended Family Member cease due to the non-payment of premiums, membership may be reinstated. If reinstatement occurs within 2 (two) months from the date of cessation of cover, no Waiting Period for natural death will be imposed on any Insured life.  If reinstatement occurs after 2 (two) months from the date of cessation of cover, the full Waiting Period for natural death will restart from zero. No Insurance cover will be provided during the period between cessation of cover and the date of reinstatement.
  1. Claim Requirements
    1. Exodec/Guardrisk Life Limited must be notified of Funeral Claims within 6 months of an Insured’s death. Even if all the required information is not yet available, it must still be notified of the potential Claim.

Claims are paid within 48-hours after all documentation have been received by the Insurer.

The following information is required to process a Claim (standard claims package):                   

  1. Main member
    1. Fully completed, signed and stamped claim form.
    2. Certified Copy of the deceased’s identity document.
  • Certified Copy of the death certificate.
  1. A copy of the DHA1663 Registration of Death Form.
  2. Certified Copy of the beneficiary identity document
  3. Beneficiaries banking details and proof of residence
  • If the cause of death is unnatural – a completed police report is required.
  • Proof of claim payment received by beneficiary – if claim paid out prior to submission of this documentation.
  1. Spouse’s and Children’s funeral benefit.
    1. Fully completed, signed and stamped claim form.
    2. Certified Copy of Main Member’s Identity Document.
  • Certified Copy of the deceased’s identity document or birth certificate.
  1. Certified Copy of the Death Certificate.
  2. If no identity document or birth certificate – a copy of the clinic card or a hospital file is required.
  3. A copy of the DHA1663 Registration of Death Form.
  • Certified Copy of the marriage certificate, or a copy of the Lobola letter or affidavits confirming person was life partner (partner and from both persons’ parents/siblings), state duration.
  1. Certified Copy of the beneficiary identity document.
  2. Copy of the premium schedule.
  3. Beneficiaries banking details and proof of residence.
  4. If the cause of death is unnatural – a completed police report is required.
  5. If Child is between 22 & 25 years old – we require a certified copy of a letter from the educational facility confirming the Child is registered and the course / grade that they are registered for.


Non-underwritten Benefits – Deceased Support Benefit Section

  1. Repatriation of mortal remains benefit (a non-underwritten benefit)
    1. Repatriation of Mortal remains within South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. When a member’s death occurs more than 100km from their normal place of residence/place of burial, the deceased will be transported to the place of burial irrespective of where the death occurred, or where the burial will take place, provided that the repatriation is within the defined territory.
    2. The repatriation limit is a maximum of R10,000 per event with an annual limit of R20,000 per year per plan.
    3. The Removal from place of death (anywhere in South Africa) minimum of 20km to a maximum of R900 per claim.
    4. Storage to a maximum amount of R1,000 will be covered at daily rate of maximum of R150.00 per day.
    5. Allowance for one family member to travel with the deceased free of charge.
    6. Only approved contracted service providers are used. If members use their own suppliers, will they be liable for all costs and accounts.
  1. Other benefits include:
    1. 24-hour call centre.
    2. Assistance with all documentation necessary.
    3. Embalming
    4. Assistance with clearance.
    5. Referral to a pathologist if an autopsy is required.
    6. Referral to a reputable undertaker.
    7. Advice on how to apply for death certificate and border crossing documentation.
    8. Referral to counselling services for support and advice.
  1. Exodec Assist 24-hour call centre no: 0861 55 5515.

Quote following: Exodec Funeral Plan, Scheme Name, Policy reference number.

  1. Disclosure Notice: Long-term Insurance Policyholder Protection Rules 2017 (PPRs) Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS) General Code of Conduct 2003


Your Intermediary
Business Name:
Your Broker House (Pty) Ltd
Registration Number:
Physical Address:
12 Natalie Avenue, Murrayfield, Pretoria, 0184
Postal Address:
12 Natalie Avenue, Murrayfield, Pretoria, 0194
012 803 6533
FAIS Registration:
FSP No 436444
In terms of the FSP license, Your Broker House (Pty) Ltd, is authorised to give intermediary Services and Advice for products under:
2. Long-term Insurance: Category A
3. Long-term Insurance: Category B1
4. Long-term Insurance: Category B2
5. Long-term Insurance: Category B1-A
6. Long-term Insurance: Category B2-A
Without in any way limiting and subject to the other provisions of the Services Agreement/Mandate, Your Broker House (Pty) Ltd FSP46444 accepts responsibility for the lawful actions of their representatives (as defined in the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Service Act) in rendering financial services within the course and scope of their employment. Some representatives may be rendering services under supervision and will inform You accordingly.
Legal and contractual relationship with the Insurer:
Contract in Place
Professional Indemnity and/or Fidelity Cover:
Your Broker House (Pty) Ltd has a Professional Indemnity in place.
Claims Procedure including prescription period:
Deon Zeelie Tel: 012 806 6533
Complaints Procedure:
Deon Zeelie Tel: 012 803 6533
Complaints Officer:
Warren Neal
At Askari Compliance Solutions
Conflict of Interest:
Exodec has a conflict-of-interest management policy in place and is available via email.
Conflict of Interest Email enquiries:
Your Funeral Administrator
Business Name:
Exodec 229 (Pty) Ltd
Physical Address:
1st Flr Royal Palms Building, cnr Loch Street & Pierneef Blvd, Meyerton, 1961
Postal Address:
PO Box 934, Meyerton, 1960
016 362 0334
FAIS Registration:
FSP No 43212
In terms of the FSP license, Exodec 229 (Pty) Ltd, is authorised to give Intermediary Services and Advice for products under:
Long-term Insurance: Category A
Friendly Society Benefits
Long-term Insurance: Category B1
Long-term Insurance: Category B2
Long-term Insurance: Category B1-A
Long-term Insurance: Category B2-A
Long-term Insurance: Category IV
Without in any way limiting and subject to the other provisions of the Services Agreement/Mandate, Exodec 229 (Pty) Ltd FSP43212 accepts responsibility for the lawful actions of their representatives (as defined in the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Service Act) in rendering financial services within the course and scope of their employment. Some representatives may be rendering services under supervision and will inform You accordingly.
Legal and contractual relationship with the insurer:
Contract in Place
Professional Indemnity and/ or Fidelity Cover:
Exodec 229 (Pty) Ltd has a Professional Indemnity and a Fidelity Guarantee Cover in Place.
Claims Procedure including prescription period:
Sanah Kwapeng
Tel: 016 362 0334
Cell: 071 600 1927
Complaints Procedure:
Marieta Pretorius
Tel: 061 362 0334
Cell: 076 768 2691
Compliance Officer:
Leona Prinsloo
Tel: 012 664 6257
Email: lprinsloo@mweb.co.za
Conflict of Interest:
Exodec has a conflict-of-interest management policy in place and is available to clients on the website.
Professional Indemnity and/ or Fidelity Cover:
Guardrisk Life Limited has a Professional Indemnity Cover and Fidelity Guarantee Cover in place.
Compliance Details
+27 11 669 1104
0860 333 361
+27 11 675 3826

Conflict of Interest : Guardrisk Life Limited has a conflict of interest management policy in place and is available to clients on the website.

Policy Wording – A copy of the policy wording can be obtained from Exodec 229 (Pty) Ltd

Fees        Commission fee:  0%                                           Binder fees:   9%

Policy details Type of Policy:             Funeral Class of Business   Risk covered:       R50 000 Policy Benefits:    Death

The Administrator directly or indirectly holds more than 10% of the relevant product supplier’s shares or has any equivalent substantial financial interest in the Insurer.

Premiums              Your premium obligations

Monthly Premium:              As per the policy agreement                                            Due date and frequency: Monthly

Manner of payment of premium: Direct deposit

Consequence of non-payment: Cover will cease and no further benefits will be in force.

Details of any premium increases, including the frequency and basis thereof: Annually upon the Review Date.

Cooling Off Rights – If any of the information reflected above and below was given to You orally, this disclosure notice serves to provide You with the information in writing.  Should You not be satisfied with the Policy, You are entitled to a period up to 31 days from the date of receipt of the Policy within which You may cancel Your Policy in writing at no cost provided no Claim has arisen or any benefit paid.  Cover will cease upon cancellation of the Policy. All premiums paid by the Policyholder to the Insurer up to the date of receipt of the cancellation notice will be refunded to the Policyholder.

The Insurer

Business Name:                   Guardrisk Life Limited

Registration number:         1999/013922/06

Physical address:                 The Marc, Tower 2, 129 Rivonia Road, Sandton, 2196

Postal address:                     PO Box 786015, Sandton, 2146

Telephone:                           +27-11-669-1000

Email:                                     info@guardrisk.co.za

Web:                                      www.guardrisk.co.za

FAIS registration (FSP No): FSP 76

In terms of the FSP license, Guardrisk Life Limited is authorised to give advice and render financial services for products under:


·         Long-term Insurance: Category A

·         Long-term Insurance: Category B1

·         Long-term Insurance: Category B1-A

·         Long-term Insurance: Category B2

·         Long-term Insurance: Category B2-A

·         Long-term Insurance: Category C


Processing of Personal Information

Your privacy is of utmost importance to Us. We will take the necessary measures to ensure that any and all information, including Personal Information (as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013) provided by You or which is collected from You is processed in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 and further, is stored in a safe and secure manner.

You hereby agree to give honest, accurate and up-to-date Personal Information and to maintain and update such information when necessary.

You accept that Your Personal Information collected by Us may be used for the following reasons:

  • to establish and verify Your identity in terms of the Applicable Laws;
  • to enable Us to fulfil Our obligations in terms of this Policy;
  • to enable Us to take the necessary measures to prevent any suspicious or fraudulent activity in terms of the Applicable Laws; and
  • reporting to the relevant Regulatory Authority/Body, in terms of the Applicable Laws.

We may share Your information for further processing, with the following third parties, which third parties have an obligation to keep Your Personal Information secure and confidential:

  • Payment processing service providers, merchants, banks and other persons that assist with the processing of Your payment instructions;
  • Law enforcement and fraud prevention agencies and other persons tasked with the prevention and prosecution of crime;
  • Regulatory authorities, industry ombudsmen, governmental departments, local and international tax authorities, and other persons that We, in accordance with the Applicable Laws, are required to share Your Personal Information with;
  • Credit Bureaus;
  • Our service providers, agents and sub-contractors that We have contracted with, to offer and provide products and services to any Policyholder in respect of this Policy; and
  • Persons to whom We cede Our rights or delegate Our authority to, in terms of this Policy.

You acknowledge that any Personal Information supplied to Us in terms of this Policy is provided according to the Applicable Laws.

Unless consented to by Yourself, We will not sell, exchange, transfer, rent or otherwise make available Your Personal Information (such as Your name, address, email address, telephone or fax number) to any other parties and You indemnify Us from any claims resulting from disclosures made with Your consent.

You understand that if we have utilised Your Personal Information contrary to the Applicable Laws, You have the right to lodge a complaint with Guardrisk within 10 (ten) days.  Should Guardrisk not resolve the complaint to Your satisfaction, You have the right to escalate the complaint to the Information Regulator.

Other matters of importance – You will be informed of any material changes to the information about the Intermediary, Insurer and or Underwriting Manager provided above.

If We fail to resolve Your complaint satisfactorily, You may submit Your complaint to the Ombudsman of Long-Term Insurance.

You will always be given a reason for the repudiation of Your claim.

If the Insurer wishes to cancel Your policy, the Insurer will give you 31 days written notice, to Your last known address.

You will always be entitled to a copy of Your policy at no extra charge.

Warning – Do not sign any blank or partially completed application form. Complete all forms in ink. Keep notes of what is said to You and all documents handed to You. Where applicable, call recordings will be made available to You within 7(seven) days of request. Don’t be pressurised to buy the product. Failure to provide correct or full relevant information may influence an Insurer on any claims arising from Your contract of insurance.

Waiver of Rights –

No insurer and/or intermediary may request or induce in any manner a client to waiver any right or benefit conferred on the client by/or in terms of any provisions of the said Code, or recognise, accept or act on any such waiver by a client.  Any such waiver is null and void.

Particulars of the Long-Term Insurance Ombudsman                     Particulars of the FAIS Ombudsman

(For claims/service-related matters)                    (For product/advice related matters)

Postal address:Private Bag X45, Claremont, Cape Town, 7700      PO Box 74571, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040

Telephone: +27-21- 657- 5000 / 0860 103 236                                  +27- 12- 470- 9080

Fax number: +27-21- 674- 0951                                                            +27- 12- 348- 3447

Email address:info@ombud.co.za                                                        info@faisombud.co.za

Particulars of the Financial Sector Conduct Authority                    Particulars of the Information Regulator

(For complaints relating to the use of Personal Information)

Postal address: PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102                             PO Box 31533, Braamfontein, Johannesburg,2017

Telephone: +27-12- 428-8000                                                               +27- 10- 023- 5200

Fax number:+27- 12- 347- 0221                                                            +27- 82- 746- 4173

Email address: info@fsca.zo.za                                                             complaints.IR@justice.gov.za